Dr. Josué Calderón Gamba

Hip infection

When some bacteria, fungus, mycobacteria spread through the bloodstream, the hip is at greater risk of contracting Septic Arthritis since it does not have the defense and protection mechanisms like other parts and organs of the body and they enter directly into the joint. Generally, when it comes to Acute Septic Arthritis, the causes are bacteria such as staphylococcus and streptococcus.

This infection progresses rapidly so cartilage and bone degenerate in the same way, causing serious and irreversible damage to structures. So the treatment must be given in an accelerated manner.


People who get this disease develop fever, swelling in the joint, and severe pain that intensifies with movement. In some cases, pseudoparalsis can occur, redness in the joint area, causing it to become hot and red. Usually the patient has a fever, that is, his temperature is greater th

The first thing that is done is a review of the medical history and a physical exam to determine what is happening. Subsequently, imaging tests are taken as well as blood or hip fluid samples. Although the treatment depends on what is causing the infection, usually a drainage surgery is performed to eliminate the infection, we will also need antibiotics that help the body to eliminate the germ or bacteria.

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